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ANZ Bank

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ANZ Bank


We're taking on this challenge to raise funds for the many Australian's affected by mental illness. Whether it's in the workplace, at home or in broader society we know that many people with mental health conditions still don't receive appropriate support and understanding.

The greatest need is at the more complex/severe end of the spectrum. Much of the recent awareness work and increased services have focused on mild/moderate forms of mental illness.

Those experiencing more complex conditions i.e. schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, PTSD, severe depression and anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders etc. still face significant issues with employment, accomodation, access to treatment, shorter life expantancy, social isolation and misunderstanding.

SANE Australia is a leading charity in this area, with a simple vision ' an Australia where people with complex mental illness live long and forfulling lives, free from stigma and discrimination'.

Donations will go towards the support, research and advocacy programs SANE currently provides to achieve this goal.

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    SANE Australia

    SANE Australia is a national mental health charity working to promote the wellbeing of the 4 million Australians affected by complex mental illness including schizophrenia, bipolar, personality disorders, eating disorders, PTSD, and severe and enduring mood and anxiety disorders, through providing peer and professional support, research and advocacy, digital information provision and stigma reduction. 

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